
How about to have node attribute "COORDINATOR_RANK" or "COORDINATOR_ORDER"?
This attribute can be 1, 2, 3....
And node with minimal number will become coordinator.
If it failed, node with next rank/order will be elected as new coordinator.

Make sense?

On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 4:39 PM, Semyon Boikov <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Currently I'm working on MVCC feature (IGNITE-3478) and need your opinion
> on related configuration options.
> 1. MVCC will definitely bring some performance overhead, so I think it
> should not be enabled by default, I'm going to add special flag on cache
> configuration: CacheConfiguration.isMvccEnabled.
> 2. In current mvcc architecture there should be some node in cluster
> assigning versions for tx updates and queries (mvcc coordinator). Mvcc
> coordinator is crucial component and it should perform as fast as possible.
> It seems we need introduce special 'dedicated mvcc coordinator' node role:
> it should not be possible to start cache on such node and it should not
> process user's compute jobs. At the same time it should be possible that
> any regular server node can become mvcc coordinator: this can be useful
> during development (no extra setup for mvcc will be needed), or support
> scenario when all dedicated coordinator nodes fail. So we need a way to
> make node a 'dedicated mvcc coordinator', we can add special flag on ignite
> configuration: IgniteConfiguration.isMvccCoordinator.
> What do you think?
> Thanks

Alexey Kuznetsov

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