hi there,

> how about always suffixing release candidates that are voted on with
> -rcN, and after acceptance releasing the same binaries again, this
> time without suffixes? their md5 checksums would be identical, so
> there should be no confusion as to which rc it is, and the release
> would have the proper version.

Good idea, but unfortunately we have the version number embedded
within the packages. It is included for example in the jar manifest
and in the Maven POM found in both in the source and binary packages.

can't you use a "fake" release pom especially for the deployment (i
think the maven deploy plugin supports something like that) in order
to be able to deploy the artifacts with suffix, but keep the internal
version and the version in the deployed pom suffixless?

another (admittedly not too nice) way would be to deploy them normally
without suffix, and add the suffixes on the server using a shell
script... of course, that's not exactly a comfortable way to handle
general deployment, but if it's really just for the special case of
publishing release candidates for the PMC to vote on, it may still
make sense to consider it.


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