On a similar subject, has any one looked at Freebase? It is built upon Metaweb which is described in their manual as: "A Metaweb database is a sea of knowledge organized as a graph: a set of nodes and a set of links or relationships between those nodes."

After playing with it for a while it is very similar in concept to jackrabbit/jcr however it is primarily using json for queries and object representation. This an mix-ins is what is sparking my dynamic typing thoughts. My point in bringing this up is that there seems to be a movement illustrated by both jcr and this metaweb idea which is a step back and at the same time a forward movement towards tree based data structures with reference-able links. Perhaps this also means moving away not only from RDBMS systems as core storage but also away from their query languages such as SQL. The metaweb json system is extremely interesting and seems easy and powerful, worth taking a look at.


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