Thank you Torgeir, I remember this being mentioned a while ago, but I was mostly hoping to help if need be.

But I would miss the current name, as I agree it is good :)

  Serge Huber.

On 21 avr. 09, at 16:36, Torgeir Veimo wrote:

It is a play on the letters; CheMIStry.

2009/4/22 Serge Huber <>

I might be jumping the gun a little, but if this can help, here are a few name suggestions :

Apache Plug
Apache Content Plug
Apache Jackplug
Apache Sea Miss (ok it's an awful word game :)) (or could be written Seamis, or Seemis)
Apache Startle (Jackrabbit synonym)

But I must admit the name Chemistry is quite good, even if potentially misleading.

 Serge Huber.

On 21 avr. 09, at 16:04, Jukka Zitting wrote:


On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 12:12 AM, Jukka Zitting < > wrote:
I'll now ping the list for some early
comments on the proposal.

for the Incubator thread.

There are some concerns over the name "Chemistry" and I actually found
an existing Java project called "Chemistry Development Kit"
(, so as painful as it is
we may still need to reconsider the project name.


Jukka Zitting


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