It's your right to use alternative implementations, but at least the interfaces should be the same and the maven dependencies declared.

If you find there's a bug in an implementation, the best way to address it is to provide a same project that reproduces it and perhaps a patch for it.

On 30/07/2014 18:21, Emanuel Campolo wrote:

Please dont get me wrong. I do want to help. I've copied some classes because i found out that I could have memory leak issues using the FluentWebDriverPage. I will send you some logs using a newly created project with the jbehave-web archetype.

On Jul 30, 2014 1:09 PM, "Mauro Talevi" < <>> wrote:

    It seems to me that you're not even using jbehave-web. You've
    copied selected classes from it into your project and using them
    in a way which is different from jbehave-web, e.g. introducing
    another factory abstraction.

    If you'd help on using jbehave-web, including resolving issues
    with its current implementation, we'd be happy to help.

    If you're writing your own framework, then we can't help.


    On 30/07/2014 17:52, Emanuel Campolo wrote:
    Hi Mauro, thanks for taking your time to reply.

    I mentioned PerStoryWebDriverSteps as an example of how the
    framework cleans up the resources. In this case, when the end()
    method is invoked, the ThreadLocal<WebDriver> instance associated
    with the current thread is removed but, if you'd used a
    FluentWebDriverPage instead of a WebDriverPage, a
    ThreadLocal<FluentWebDriver> will not be eliminated from the list
    of thread locals.
    Even though im not using the jbehave-core for running my tests,
    Im coding a lightweight selenium-based framework using testng and
    the jbehave-web project.
    As you can see below, I had to re write some of the classes to
    solve this issue where resources are not being removed by
    the DelegatingWebDriverProvider (javadoc and reference to
    jbehave-web will be added):

    This is where I invoke the end() method

    2014-07-30 12:06 GMT-03:00 Mauro Talevi
    < <>>:


        the FluentWebDriverPage is simply a fluent-based facade using
        a FluentWebDriver.   The underlying  WebDriverProvider is the
        same as a non-fluent page and is injected in the constructor.

        The PerStoryWebDriverSteps should use exactly the same
        underlying WebDriverProvider (autowired via some
        dependency-injection mechanism), so if the provider end()
        method is invoked you shouldn't need to do anything else.

        Are you experiencing or noticing a particular problem?  If
        so, could you share a project that reproduced it?


        On 29/07/2014 19:14, Emanuel Campolo wrote:

            Hi all !

            I've added the jbehave-web module to a personal project
            where I use testng. I'm using the
            FirefoxWebDriverProvider to manage the webdriver
            instances, taking advantage of the ThreadLocal for
            multithreaded tests.
            My question is, even though I call the end() method every
            time a test completes to remove the driver assigned to
            the current thread, i don't know how to the same thing to
            the FluentWebDriver (a thread local variable that the
            FluentWebDriverPage has).

            I noticed that , for example, the PerStoryWebDriverSteps
            only executes driverProvider.end() but as in mentioned
            above,  i didn't find any clean up for the
            FluentWebDriver instances that FluentWebDriverPage creates.

            Thanks in advance :)

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