Dear Andy,

I replaced the dependency of guava-osgi with
com.googlecode.guava:guava (version 17). So the <repositories> section
could be removed.

I also updated the tests of jena-csv with some real world csv data
[1]. However, many of the use cases in [1] are not work with jena-csv
mainly because:
1) Not csv data: some of them are Excel, or user-defined custom
tabular data structure)
2) Irregular csv data: some are multi-dimensional table
3) Not UTF-8 encoding: encoded with Western European (e.g. with some
charterer like '£')
4) No table column header: jena-csv can not make the RDF predicates
without the column names.

>From the tests, I fixed some bugs of LangCSV in jena-arq after
jena-arq-2.12.0 release. However, the code were committed to Jena
trunk, which is now 2.12.1-SNAPSHOT. If I want to release jena-csv
(e.g. version 1.0), which version of jena-arq should it depends on? It
seems to be a dilemma:
- If jena-csv-1.0 depends on jena-arq-2.12.1-SNAPSHOT, new code in
jena-arq are visible, but it's a SNAPSHOT.
- If jena-csv-1.0 depneds on jena-arq-2.12.0 release, new code in
jena-arq are not visible and the bugs are not eliminated.

Any suggestion?

Best regards,
Ying Jiang


On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 9:28 PM, Andy Seaborne <> wrote:
> On 03/08/14 11:41, Ying Jiang wrote:
>> Hi Andy,
>> Thanks for your instructions!
>> Last week, I made the documentation of this GSoC project (jena-csv):
>> -
>> -
>> -
>> -
>> I'll make more tests and improve the documentation in the coming weeks.
> Looks good - one thing missing is that needs to explain how to get the code.
> That can be a maven build to the Apache snapshot repository.
> In POM.xml:
> guava-osgi -- is there anything in there that isn't in
> com.googlecode.guava:guava?
> Please remove the  <repositories> section.  The build needs to depend on
> only maven central and on Apache repsoitories (but only for development use
> You should be able to do that as a committer and the configuration is set up
> by the jena-parent POM.
> Give it a go!
> Then it's time to send email to users@ to announce it - if you can do that
> soon, it'll give time for initial comments to come back before the end of
> GSoC which woulc be perfect timing.
>         Andy
>> Best regards,
>> Ying Jiang

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