On 22/01/17 14:21, A. Soroka wrote:
This is a cool project that seems like it would be of use to Jena
users. It raises a question for me about how Jena handles
contributions generally (not specific to this example).

Do we have any policy about how much support must exist from
committers to accept a project? For example, in some other projects
in which I participate, it's necessary for at least two committers to
accept responsibility to maintain a module before it can be accepted,
and if there are ever fewer than that over time, it goes into a
deprecation path that eventuates in it leaving the project. I'm not
arguing for that policy in particular for Jena, just wondering if we
have anything like that, or whether the modules are pruned on an ad
hoc basis.

Good points. There needs to be activity around a component to keep it alive and well.

In addition, if we put everything into a single build process it becomes increasingly harder to release and to make changes to the main codebase because everything is lock-step. 2 of the release releases have been like that.

I wonder if splitting into "the main build" where we can regularly release with fixes. Other parts can be released separately by people interested.

We need to be able to retire parts: jena-maven-tools and jena-csv are current examples, as is jena-fuseki1. This process needn't be fast or abrupt but for the long term health of the project, we have to recognize that some parts will fade away when no one is interested.

For PA4RDF - what communities are there? User community? Developer community?


Incidentally, in a sort of slow, long term activity, I have some work to extract what linked data applications need for XSD datatyping:


It has the missing types of PA4RDF; it is not tied to Jena at all (no dependency).

> ---
> A. Soroka
>> On Jan 21, 2017, at 3:40 AM, Claude Warren <cla...@xenei.com> wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> I have a project (PA4RDF) that provides persistence annotations that
>> read/write a Jena graph.
>> It basically turns any RDF subject into an object with the predicates
>> defining the properties of the object.
>> The current implementation can apply the annotations to interfaces,
>> abstract or concrete classes.  It has been used in several projects with
>> different corporate and government owners.
>> I would like to contribute the code and documentation to the Jena project >> as an "extras" project. Further information about the project and the code
>> can be found at https://github.com/Claudenw/PA4RDF.
>> Is there any objection to accepting this contribution?
>> Claude
>> --
>> I like: Like Like - The likeliest place on the web
>> <http://like-like.xenei.com>
>> LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/claudewarren

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