I prefer the A) option too, and I think that will be good if the implementation will be integrate in v5.6.1

And after the 5.6 release, i will modify the website to add this issue  on the Knows issue section (on change page)

On 22/06/2023 07:47, Vladimir Sitnikov wrote:
Milamber: When I start JMeter 5.6RC1 with java 11 or 17, add a View
Results Tree
listener, I have this error:
I reproduced it, and as far as I understand, it does not impact the
usability of the View Results Tree.

The issue is that JavaFX is optional even in Java 1.8 distributions, and
the existing JMeter build scripts
include org.apache.jmeter.visualizers.RenderInBrowser into components.jar
based on the JDK you use for the build.
I checked my locally installed Java distributions, and none of them has
JavaFX, so initially I wasn't able to reproduce the issue
by building JMeter with Java 1.8 and running with 11/17.

I think we can catch the error, or, even better, we might consider the
a) Adjust ResultRenderer in such a way that it displays a panel suggesting
the way users might activate JavaFX in their JMeter.
I think it is a preferred approach.

b) "boolean org.apache.jmeter.visualizers.ResultRenderer#isSupported()" or
something like that.
Then ResultRenderer's might opt-out from displaying in the UI.

In any case, I do not think the exception from ResultRenderer blocks 5.6
release since, well, it works,
and we need to document jars published to Central anyway: everybody is
probably receiving Dependabot/Renovatebot updates already.


In general, the exception is
ViewResultsFullVisualizer: Exception registering implementation:
[org.apache.jmeter.visualizers.RenderInBrowser] of interface: [interface
nderer], a jar is probably missing
org.apache.jmeter.visualizers.RenderInBrowser Unable to get public no-arg

We might try a little bit harder to make the exception more user-friendly,
however, in this exact case, the issue is with JMeter core itself, so
there's not much we can do better here.


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