
Tests on Linux Debian/Java8/17 with success (except javafx ;-))

My vote: +1
(and unfortunately mandatory to release rc1 as 5.6 since i publish by mistake the maven packages) (with need to release a version 5.6.1 asap (improvement on JavaFX missing message, fix for exception on http2 plug)

Need 2 bindings (PMC member so)


On 17/06/2023 09:29, Milamber wrote:

The first release candidate for JMeter 5.6 (e024bf3703) has been prepared, and your votes are solicited.

This release brings some new features and improvements, and also fixes bugs.

Please, test this release candidate (with load tests and/or functional tests) using Java 8+ on Linux/Windows/macOS, especially on the changes.
Feedback is very welcome within the next 72 hours.

You can read the New and Noteworthy section with some screenshots to illustrate improvements and full list of changes at:

JMeter is a Java desktop application designed to load test functional behavior and measure performance. The current version targets Java 8+

Download - Archives/hashes/sigs:
(dist revision 62462)

RAT report:

SHA512 hashes of archives for this vote: see footnote [1]

Site preview is here:

JavaDoc API preview is here:

Maven staging repository is accessible here:


Keys are here:

To create the distribution and test JMeter: "./gradlew build -Prelease -PskipSign".

JMeter 5.6 requires Java 8 or later to run.

The artifacts were built with
  Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Oracle Corporation (build 1.8.0_331-b09)   Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM Oracle Corporation (build 25.331-b09, mixed mode)

Some known issues and incompatible changes are listed on changes page.

All feedback and vote are welcome.

[  ] +1  I support this release
[  ] +0  I am OK with this release
[  ] -0  OK, but....
[  ] -1  I do not support this release (please indicate why)

The vote will remain open for at least 72 hours.

The PMC members please indicate the mention "(binding)" with your vote.

Note: If the vote passes, the intention is to release the archive files
and rename the RC tag as the release tag.

Thanks in advance!


[1] SHA512 hashes of archives for this vote:

ba863aa8cfaee0526297570bc2eb0901b9cf73d107aacca347b2bfa172109d21a466f885dc993f41ff4cec28e7c222076a8bdecce4f0b148f9f264983a20f45f  apache-jmeter-5.6_src.tgz a7ebf74d6b5aa60d94cac61e0f25f9eaae146dcc35ff1ae0224c987d800bbfa683a45676bcc27d47cd945652c8296a31d911caa63919b3d0b0595eda4fd2978c  apache-jmeter-5.6.tgz 8215df09322579efaa5392d36d5687e7d811168be8fd5c0c93cd6255dbb4cb36a893132d47c3107fe3529ddce81332010806db93b28d55f7b5ce6c61040b27ec  apache-jmeter-5.6_src.zip c9887eb821ae7381b8d1f90aca93560bb6c8c5294ad7e9c615dbed0e2bd5556afdb68134a63c9aa07f4a54d07fb6281930a68f98e1f9359a79af70d99ccbe59e  apache-jmeter-5.6.zip

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