Super sorry to come in late on this one. Rajini, I had two quick questions
I think we should be able to answer:

   1. Do client ids make sense in a world which has users? If not should we
   unify them the way Hadoop did (without auth the user is a kind of best
   effort honor system identity). This came up in the discussion thread but I
   didn't really see a crisp answer. Basically, what is the definition of
   "client id" and what is the definition of "user" and how do the concepts
   2. If both client ids and users are sensible distinct notions and we
   want to maintain both, why don't we just support quotas on both? If they
   both make sense then you would have a reason to set quotas at both levels.
   Why have this "mode" that you set that swaps between only being able to use
   one and the other? I should be able to set quotas at both levels. Going
   forward the model we had discussed with quotas was potentially being able
   to set quotas for many things independently (say at the topic level), and I
   don't think it would make sense to extend this mode approach to those.


On Wed, Jun 8, 2016 at 12:56 PM, Rajini Sivaram <> wrote:

> I would like to initiate the vote for KIP-55.
> The KIP details are here: KIP-55: Secure quotas for authenticated users
> <
> >
> .
> The JIRA  KAFKA-3492  <
> >has
> a draft PR here:
> Thank you...
> Regards,
> Rajini

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