I like the idea of reducing the number of files in etc folder.
However I would vote against it until there is a good documentation of how
to configure everything that's in those removed files. That is what can be
configured, where, how it differs in clustered env, ...
Once that is place that is easy to find and use I'd love to get rid of

Side note: I don't know how configuration from features works but we need
to be careful with location bindings. We at Liferay used to have some
issues with bundles providing own default configuration which was not
possible to change later on because of location bindings. I'm not saying
this will be a problem with Karaf, but just to keep an eye on it while
changing things.


On Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 8:19 AM, Guillaume Nodet <gno...@apache.org> wrote:

> I'd like to trim down a bit the number of files in the etc/ directory.
> The distribution contains a bunch of config files for the ACLs, but I'm not
> sure people usually modify those.  I think this may be the same for various
> configuration.
> What I'm proposing is the following:
>   * make sure all those configurations are moved into their respective
> feature
>   * remove them from the assemblies/base maven module which is embedded by
> the framework and static kars
>   * add a flag on the AssemblyMojo so that we can choose using glob
> patterns which config pids should be extracted as files at build time
>   * the other ones are extracted automatically by the FeaturesService
> anyway during boot features installation
> The idea would be that distributions only contains configurations that are
> actually used.
> Also, I'm going to removing some additional files from the static framework
> (bin/contrib/, bin/instance(.sh|.bat), deploy/).
> Thoughts ?
> Guillaume
> --
> ------------------------
> Guillaume Nodet
> ------------------------
> Red Hat, Open Source Integration
> Email: gno...@redhat.com
> Web: http://fusesource.com
> Blog: http://gnodet.blogspot.com/


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