This sentence irritates me a bit in the head of RC downloads:
"The software in the following table is not recommended for production
deployment. These builds are under development and therefore

This software is based on final source of released version, therefore
these builds are not more under active development (can have only
critical fixes) and these builds are with big probability as stable as
released version and removing characters R, C and 2 from filename
doesnt make these builds more stable.
These builds are released 'as is' also as the released builds (there
is a certain paragraph about it in license, number 15). So or so all
our software is used at users own risk. Why then claim a software
which has high probabilty to have very good quality to be clearly

So I see 2 possibilities to rewrite this sentence above:
1. This software made from our stable source is ruined by evil
localization teams you can easily decrypt from language names. When
you meet them at street, kick their ass.
2. This software is based on final released version but has not passed
all final tests. Please use this at your own risk and report possible
issues to (IZ address). For more information visit the homepage of
particular localization team listed in bottom of

First makes even to not educated people clear what we mean. Second
maybe helps a potential downloader a bit further. There is of course a
third sort of people who can use google or already know where to find
download pages of localization teams (with tested or not packages) but
unfortunately not the new users... And exactly to new users we just
say: hey, when you install this software in your language you will
have serious problems, please dont do it.

Other problem is, that as policy says, langpack - when 80% of UI is
translated and full set - when both help and UI are over 80%. I can
see at least 2 missing languages from full set table, Czech and
Estonian, I'm sure that there are a lot more.
When submitting translations, we usually state the percentage. With
high probability we don't submit any translations to minor versions
(like 3.1.1) as we dont have any so critical fixes since major version
(string changes in source are not allowed any more in this period), so
how could we state it?


On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 18:48, Marcus Lange <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> both websites are now online.
> Best regards
> Marcus
> Marcus Lange wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> when there are no further comments, then I'll start to bring both sites to
>> the new location at "" and
>> "".
>> Thanks
>> Marcus
>> Marcus Lange wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> because IA64 and Linux PPC builds are only available for English US and
>>> no other language, I've moved the columns to a separate table below the
>>> first one. This will save a bit space to the right hand side.
>>> Best regards
>>> Marcus
>>> Marcus Lange wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I've done some further changes:
>>>> - Placed all notes to another website, so that the tables with download
>>>> links will come a bit higher.
>>>> - Furthermore I think it is better to name the download links as
>>>> "Download" instead of the version number. Because the normal user will
>>>> search for links that provide the actual download. So when naming it in 
>>>> this
>>>> way it's easier to find and understand. Therefore I've named the links with
>>>> the 3.1.1 builds with "Download" and (re)introduced the "Latest release"
>>>> column.
>>>> - I've extended the concept also to the full installation builds:
>>>> Best regards
>>>> Marcus
>>>> Marcus Lange wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> as an alternative I've created a langpack website with all files listed
>>>>> in 2 tables:
>>>>> Maybe we can agree on this as commpromise?
>>>>> Best regards
>>>>> Marcus
>>>>> Marcus Lange wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> as promised I thought about a new structure and have created the
>>>>>> following websites to ease the download of RC builds:
>>>>>> Please have a look if the names of the languages are correct. It's not
>>>>>> easy to find the correct wording for so many, so please bear with me. ;-)
>>>>>> Keep in mind that this is just a test to show you how it could look
>>>>>> like. It's not yet the final version (e.g., all builds that are already
>>>>>> released have to be deleted from here, of course).
>>>>>> Once we have a final state I would update the index page
>>>>>> (, so that both new websites can be
>>>>>> found via links and make some announcements.
>>>>>> Please tell me what you think about this.
>>>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>> Marcus
>>>>>> Marcus Lange wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>> I think I haven't taken into account the many differences with
>>>>>>> builds, testing and NL communities. So, I'm sorry if anyone feels 
>>>>>>> offend.
>>>>>>> This was not my intension or to ignore the situation.
>>>>>>> I'll think about what could be done to provide the builds to the
>>>>>>> users (tested or not, released or not). Because it's a very high number 
>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>> will be not easy. And take into account that someone has to maintain 
>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>> monster of list (7 platforms with 90+ languages). ;-)
>>>>>>> Just wanted to take the chance to answer here early before my absence
>>>>>>> the next week. Therefore please don't expect to have a fast solution.
>>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>>> Marcus
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