Perhaps the following?

1) OK or NOT OK to include non-free assets. (e.g. Warsow)
 ... and ...
2) OK or NOT OK to provide programs whose primary purpose are to obtain non-free assets. (e.g. OpenRA)

3) OK or NOT OK to provide programs whose primary purpose are to make use of non-free assets. (Whether this be importing into a game engine or something else, e.g. OpenMW)

While a program like wget may be able to "import assets" it should not be compared to programs whose primary reason for existence is to import non-free assets.

On 28/09/18 03:12, Josh Branning wrote:
I strongly urge other developers to make their opinions known as to
where the line should be drawn.

Probably a consensus needs to be reached about

Whether it's ...

1) OK or NOT OK to include non-free assets.
 ... and ...
2) OK or NOT OK to link to non-free assets.

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