stack makes it pretty easy to upgrade dependencies now. I'm thinking
it would be nice to do that once a month. The upsides are the usual
ones: bug fixes and security fixes that should be non-breaking. The
downsides are: potential breakage anyway, one big slow build once a
month, and detritus left around in ~/.stack and .stack-work.

I think the upsides outweigh the downsides. There will also,
eventually, be better tools for cleaning up the stack working
directories. For now, if you're nearly out of space like I am, I think
we can just manually delete the old directories, e.g.
.stack-work/install/«arch»/lts-2.13 and
~/.stack/snapshots/«arch»/lts-2.13. Worst case scenario those
directories are just regenerated with another big build. :)

So, does anyone have any concerns if I start upgrading dependencies by
pushing changes to stack.yaml?

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