On Nov 4, 2015 6:56 PM, "Bryan Richter" <b...@chreekat.net> wrote:
> My branch 'strip-mechanism' on my Gitlab repo
> (g...@git.gnu.io:chreekat/snowdrift.git) now has all backend-y code
> related to the mechanism in one file: original/src/Mechanism.hs.
> It's not pretty right now. Everything in there was cut and pasted from
> its original location. It lacks a clear and consistent API, and some
> of the code is straight-up broken — not to mention it still doesn't
> implement the new mechanism properly.
> At this point there are a few possible paths to take.
> 1. Begin cleaning up Mechanism.hs and designing a decent API.
> 2. Actually implement the mechanism.
> 3. Split the mechanism into a separate library.
> 4. Split out other components from the main project, like
> Notifications.
> I think the best thing for me to do is #4. If I don't, #1 will be
> harder and might need to be re-done later.
> #1 and #2 will probably be done in parallel. I think a lot of code
> will end up getting removed.
> #3 doesn't seem especially necessary yet. Plus, doing so would
> complicate issues like database access. I'm going to take it off the
> plan for now.
> IMPORTANT: Because of the nature of this change, merging it into
> master would break a lot of website functionality. But the truth is, a
> lot of that functionality is broken anyway — just less visibly.
> This is more a question for the discuss@ list, I guess, but what do
> you think? Should I go ahead and "break" the website? The only loss
> will be UI/UX bugs related to the mechanism, and the cessation of
> payouts.

My opinion would be to hold off until it's working.  Granted, the mechanism
functionality is already broken, but it sounds like it'll be a bit more
obvious.  To those who are new to the site and aren't aware of the current
state of the mechanism, or to those who don't realize you're working on it,
it may seem worse off if you pull the trigger early.  Besides, working on
things until they're in a working state is one (obviously not the only)
purpose for a branch, right?

Either way, though, I support either decision you ultimately make.

- Jason

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