Good points, see proposed rephrasing in 

I think people understand that in the context of an Apache open source project, 
the word “Support” means
all kind of question answering, bug-fixes etc that the community provides. But 
it could perhaps be
stated in a better way in that paragraph?

Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
Cominvent AS -

> 12. jan. 2017 kl. 03.56 skrev Alexandre Rafalovitch <>:
> "[EOLed versions] will not be supported by the community at all"
> That's a bit of a confusing language for me. We are not really
> "supporting" any of the versions. There is no number to call or person
> with a response-time metric. Nor is JIRA a support desk (some people
> periodically get confused about that).
> We have active development and user group. And for user group, I am
> sure we will try to help even if somebody asks questions about 3.5.
> So perhaps we should keep to the "will not be further updated" or
> similar language as the next step down from "only security patches".
> Also, it may be useful to mention next (7.0) version in some ways, as
> people looking on JIRA/discussions will see that.
> Regards,
>   Alex.
> ----
> - Resources for Solr users, new and experienced
> On 11 January 2017 at 10:06, Jan Høydahl <> wrote:
>> Here is a first version of the new Community page, in CMS staging:
>> Note that I changed the ordering of the sub sections in what I deem priority
>> order. Some wording in the sub menu is abbreviated to avoid line split.
>> The existing resources page will still have the #community anchor for some
>> time, with the text "This section has been moved to a new [Solr
>> Community](link) page.”
>> Also the top-menu will get a COMMUNITY link between RESOURCES and SEARCH.
>> These files are not commited for staging yet.
>> I’ll leave this for comments for a few days, and if no veto’s I’ll complete
>> the change and publish the site.
>> Feel free to do edits to the community.mdtext page directly in staging if
>> you see typos or feel strongly about changing something.
>> PS: I also updated the page, fixed a
>> bunch of broken links and moved 8 companies to a table in the bottom,
>> scheduled for future removal (dead links etc). Feel free to jump in and
>> prune more if you know of out-of-date entries!
>> --
>> Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
>> Cominvent AS -
>> 11. jan. 2017 kl. 15.19 skrev Steve Rowe <>:
>> +1
>> --
>> Steve
>> On Jan 11, 2017, at 7:16 AM, Jan Høydahl <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The page is pretty big and
>> difficult to navigate and link to correctly.
>> I propose to extract the Resources/Community part of the web site into a
>> separate page
>> and link it in the top menu. It will then get these sub-menus on its own:
>>  ASF | Powered By | IRC | Mailing Lists | Issue Tracker | How To Contribute
>> | Version Control
>> In addition, I’m planning to add a sub menu “Support” which will for one
>> point to
>> and also discuss versioning and EOL policy. This last piece was triggered by
>> this question on the general@ mailing list
>> I’m thinking of a general phrasing without promising too much:
>> Apache Solr is under active development with frequent feature releases on
>> the most current major version (currently 6.x).
>> The previous version (currently 5.5) is frozen for feature development but
>> receives security- and bug fixes as point releases.
>> Older versions (currently pre-5.5) are considered as EOL (End Of Life) and
>> will not be supported in any way.
>> You can think the previous major version as the LTS (Long Term Support)
>> version, although we do not formally use that terminology.
>> A new major Solr version will only be able to read the index of the previous
>> major version. For more about upgrading Solr,
>> see the Reference Guide chapter “Upgrading Solr”
>> What do you think?
>> --
>> Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
>> Cominvent AS -
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