
I've developed the Korean Analyzer and distributed it since 2008.
Many people who use lucene with korean use it.

I posted it to the sourceforge
Here is the cvs address

KoreanAnalyzer consists of Korean Morphological Analyzer, Korean Dictionary
and Korean Filter.
When using lucene with korean, One thinks of CJK Analyzer.
But CJK Analyzer is improper for korean.

Korean has a specific characteristic and is needed to analyze morpheme when
extracting the index keyword.
Korean Analyzer has solved the problem with the Korean Morphological

Korean Analyzer has also the feature of spliting compound noun.

Now, I want to contribute the korean analyzer to the lucene project.
Please let me know how to contribute it.

If you want to check the source code, please visit the sourceforge cvs

Best regards.

SooMyung Lee
Director of Research Center
Argonet co. ltd,

Manager of Luene Korean Analyzer

Contact: +82-10-6480-5710

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