Am 2016-10-15 um 19:07 schrieb Alix Lourme:
Hi Maven (Core) maintainers,

Currently the download progress for dependencies/plugins is displayed by
default :
Downloading: http://.../repository/org/foo/bar/x.y.z/bar-x.y.z.jar

4/2122 KB
8/2122 KB

The common fix is to use *batch-mode* option (MNG-5486
<>, disable maven download
progress indication
This configuration is perfect for CI usage, but has a (little) impact for
*human* execution ... for example on Maven Archetypes (even if usable with
-D parameters).
However I feel that many people (like me) generalise -B option (in *mvn.cmd*
/*, ...*) avoiding some kilometer of logs in a daily use.
This is perverse about the concept, and could do losing the great "future"
feature about logs colorization (MNG-3507
<>) because disabled in

I have already commented on the issue and the PR that there is batch mode. If people generalize that it either means that out docs are bad or people do not know what batch mode is: notty on stdout and stdin.

A good consensus (IMO) could be *activate the download progression only if
debug mode (-X) is enabled*.
Because the download information displayed in *batch-mode* option is enough
for a "default execution":
[INFO] Downloading: http://.../repository/org/foo/bar/x.y.z/bar-x.y.z.jar
[INFO] Downloaded: http://.../repository/org/foo/bar/x.y.z/bar-x.y.z.jar
(xx kB at yy kB/s)

For you, for others maybe don't. I wan't to see the progress how my Nexus instance performs or what download slows down my build. Many people will probably not enable -X to see it all which is extremely verbose.

Note that I have added several improvements to the progress meter in master.

I could try providing a PR (using MNG-5486
<> or new JIRA ?), but I
would have an acceptance (or not ^^) on this idea.

Maybe an idea might be to display GAV instead of the URL and display URL in -X only since the URL is only a technical detail. Though, it has to be evaluated wether the Aether callback does provide this information. I doubt that it does.

Still keep in mind that an artifact is downloaded only once to the local cache.


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