Am 03/12/17 um 15:36 schrieb Karl Heinz Marbaise:
> Hi,
> So after I finalized the implementation which seemed to be ok for 
> now...the IT's are currently not working based on particular reason 
> (explanations later).
> I would like to know the opinion of the Maven DEV's about this:
> The following scenario:
> This feature has been introduced in Maven 3.2.1 but with some issues 
> (ordering in reactor etc.).
> By using this branch MNG-6057 (MNG-6090, MNG-5895) you can use things 
> like ${revision}, ${sha1} and/or ${changelist} in your version tag of 
> your pom.
> This means you can define the revision by simply using it for the whole 
> multi module build (also for a single project) and you can defined a 
> revision of your artifacts by simply using a property in your pom file 
> (only a single one). Take a look at an example[1].
> You can build everything. It is also possible to overwrite the revision 
> via command line like this: mvn clean package -Drevision=2.4.5 or using 
> .mvn/maven.config file..for this instead of using the pom file property.
> The only thing which is cirtical from my point of view if you will do an 
> mvn install or mvn deploy...
> The problem is simply that at the moment the pom's which will be 
> installed into local cache or in a remote repository having the 
> ${revision} etc. in their version tag and the placeholders 
> revision,sha1,changelist are not being replaced with the current literal 
> version.

This is a very long standing issue. Quite a lot of people gave up on
some "feature" because it lead to non-deployable projects.

> This can be solved by using the flatten-maven-plugin (I think this 
> should be integrated into Maven itself in the furture maybe in Maven 
> 3.6.0?? but this is a different story.).
> If you take this change you can define the version of your build 
> artifacts either by command line or with a single property which several 
> people asked for...which would make it very convenient to build 
> different branches by using different versions ...etc.
> This leaves some questions from my side:
> 1. How can I use the flatten-maven-plugin inside the IT's ? (It looks 
> like I oversight something here).
> 2. WDYT about? Should I postpone that and improve the solution?

I would go for improving this until everything has landed in Maven core
and Maven gets the job done automatically without anyone having to setup
some special plugins changing the in memory effective model temporarily.
The flatten-maven-plugin solution appears to me like a workaround for
some missing support in Maven core. Also a good reason to split build
pom from deployed pom. Maybe all of this better be postponed to model
version 5.0.0?

> 3. Should I integrate the current state into the current 3.5.0-alpha-2 ?

Commit it now, and you will never have a chance to improve the solution
later. Once released, it's nearly impossible to even fix a simple bug
;-) If it got released with Maven 3.3.9, things already are messed up
and I wonder how this could get released when even simple bugfixes were
reverted lately.


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