Am 12.03.2017 um 15:36 schrieb Karl Heinz Marbaise:
> Hi,
> So after I finalized the implementation which seemed to be ok for 
> now...the IT's are currently not working based on particular reason 
> (explanations later).
> I would like to know the opinion of the Maven DEV's about this:
> The following scenario:
> This feature has been introduced in Maven 3.2.1 but with some issues 
> (ordering in reactor etc.).
> By using this branch MNG-6057 (MNG-6090, MNG-5895) you can use things 
> like ${revision}, ${sha1} and/or ${changelist} in your version tag of 
> your pom.
> This means you can define the revision by simply using it for the whole 
> multi module build (also for a single project) and you can defined a 
> revision of your artifacts by simply using a property in your pom file 
> (only a single one). Take a look at an example[1].
> You can build everything. It is also possible to overwrite the revision 
> via command line like this: mvn clean package -Drevision=2.4.5 or using 
> .mvn/maven.config file..for this instead of using the pom file property.
> The only thing which is cirtical from my point of view if you will do an 
> mvn install or mvn deploy...

Looking at those changes, I think the solution to this is very
straightforward. We could easily serialize the raw model with just the
interpolated versions to a temporary file and continue with that. Would
this work? Just a few lines of code FIX-3.5.0 without the need of the
flatten-maven-plugin for anything. We just serialize a temporary
deleteOnExit pom and make the core provide that file instead of the
original one.


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