On 2019-07-08T11:23:57 +0100
Mark Raynsford <org.apache.maven.u...@io7m.com> wrote:
> I wonder if, instead, we could just turn off this URL appending
> behaviour with a property? Ideally the property would be specified in
> the POM file and the model would stay entirely backwards compatible.
> If you don't set the property to true, you get the old url-mangling
> behaviour.

I forgot to point out that specifying this in a parent POM should, by
my understanding of Maven's property inheritance rules, automatically
propagate to all ancestors. This would be ideal for me given that I
have ~900 pom.xml files that would otherwise have to be updated by
hand. :)

Mark Raynsford | http://www.io7m.com

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