On 2019-07-08T19:46:38 +0200
"Robert Scholte" <rfscho...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> I'm working on some improvements which might be related to this.
> My main question: is the pom containing the special attributes part of the  
> Maven Multimodule project?

Not quite sure how to interpret this one. In my case, I'd specify those
attributes on a distant ancestor POM and then inherit from that POM in
the root POMs of many of separate multi-module projects.

> If so, I should be able to calculate the right URL based on the local  
> folder structure instead of pom inheritence via parent, right?

I think calculating is the whole problem: I actually specifically don't
want any calculation going on. I've specified the URIs myself and I'd
prefer it if Maven both inherited the values directly from parents, and
left the URL values alone without any appending or other mangling. :)

Mark Raynsford | http://www.io7m.com

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