is it already running somewhere to try it out?
witn IDE integration what's the best approach using it? connect to
server in interactive mode or download the index and reuse the manager
code to do the searching?


On 2/8/06, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Some folks seem interested, so I wanted to give a quick overview of the
> repository manager.
> It is an application that runs either standalone or as a webapp with the
> following functionality:
> - repository search
> - repository/artifact browsing and display of artifacts and their
> relationships
> - repository health reports (missing transitive dependencies,
> incorrect/missing checksums, incorrect/missing digital signatures, out
> of place artifacts, missing poms, etc)
> - maven-proxy like support
> - repository conversion
> It has the following modules:
> - discovery: walks a repository and finds all the artifacts in it so you
> can perform a certain action on each, or just the ones that are
> new/deleted since last walked.
> - indexer: used to add artifacts and metadata to the lucene index.
> Includes elements of the POM and checksums
> - converter: copy artifacts from one repository to the other, changing
> layout, converting metadata if required.
> - artifact-applet: applet to allow you to checksum a large artifact on
> your local machine and upload the checksum to the server to search
> - reports-standard: a bunch of reports on the status of an artifact in
> the repository
> - proxy: maven-proxy like functionality
> - utils: checksum, pathing, etc
> - webapp: webwork 2 and plexus based webapp for running it all
> Any questions?
> - Brett
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