On 3/8/06, John Casey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <snip>

> Something to think about is maybe not having the initial Maven page be a
> > Maven site.  ASF sites in general seems to be more Developer focused
> than
> > user focused.  What if the initial Maven site were more like the front
> pages
> > of Mozilla or Rails.  An attractive logo, links to resources and
> materials,
> > an introduction.  The home page should be user focused, Maven developers
> are
> > a minority of the audience here.
> Are you saying that the developer-centric tendency is appropriate for
> ASF project web sites, then? I'd tend to say that for a product like
> Maven (not an API, like commons-cli, for instance) it's worth striving
> to help the user. Since Maven is an Apache product/project, I'd say that
> having a developer site on a different physical location would be
> bad...they're different aspects of the same product/project. That said,
> I think we need to section the developer docs off and put them a click
> or so in from the main landing page...probably with their own landing
> page.

I think I agree with you.

When I said "developer-centric" I meant
"apache-developer-centric". IMO, more projects need to think about the user
who has "30 seconds to figure out the best way to download/use Derby".  The
current Maven site has too many links, too much distracting people from what
should be a simple message - "Download Maven, you won't believe how you
developed without it.  We promise.".    I'm not saying that we should all
become marketing people, but it's something to consider.

> It's not a simple hierarchy, but then, we have a great deal of variation
> among our audience members. As these audience members [possibly]
> transition from users to contributors and so on, we don't want a
> separation like this to get in their way...there should be *some*
> cohesiveness, I would think...

 I'm not saying this to be contrary, bear with me:  most people that use
Maven don't care to know much about the internals or how it is being
developed.  They simply want to download a product that works, is
well documented, and use it.  A small minority of those users will get an
itch that needs to be scratched or decide that the gift of free software
should be repaid by involvement in a community.  So, if you wrote up a
survey, and quizzed people who use Maven every day, I think you'd probably
find that most of them think Jason van Zyl is a famous magician and the
Meritocracy is a spell in Dungeons and Dragons.   I'm not saying this as a
cynical jibe, but to make the point that regardless of the Maven website, we
will always about an equal mix - out of 100 - 95 people download Maven, 5
subscribe to the users list for a week, maybe 4 ask questions on the user
list, and, if you are lucky, 1 submits a patch.  And even that's
overestimating, apply that forumla to the httpd project and it would have
10^5 patches submitted per year.

Turn your statement around.  "....audience members [possibly] transition
form users to contributors".   Assume that a simpler user focused launch
page made it easier for people to adopt Maven.  If this "separation" of
user-focused and developer-focused documentation increases the population of
users, we've increase the pool of potential contributors.   I'm betting on
the fact that as users "root around" the documentation, they'll catch on to
the fact that this is the ASF they will pick up the community.

 I think a good strategy is to make the landing page for Maven as simple as
possible, with a good short sell, as little text as possible, link to
download, and some news and announcements.  The Maven launch page should be
very similar to the Mozilla launch page - there are still links to the
developer pages.

Instead we've got a link named "Netbeans Module", a link on the top of the
page to "Maven" followed by a link to "Maven 2.x" and "Maven 1.x".  All the
links have a 20% change of having a completely different skin.  There are
links to a Wiki and external sites that are not labeled as such.  There is a
"Project Team" report (http://maven.apache.org/team-list.html) that doesn't
list have of the people involved in Maven.  Did you know there are no
contributors to the Maven project and that there are only 8 people working
on Maven"?   For some reason, I know what the "Actual Time" is for all the
people on the project team down to the second (I've never figured the need
for that field out), but good luck customizing the team-list support. :-)
Here's another good one, click on a Guide, then click on the banner logo.
That links back to /guide, click on the same banner logo, that links back to
the home page.   The Maven site is full of these inconsistencies, and it's
not something that people can just fix with patches.  IMO, the site plugin
needs serious rework.  It doesn't create good web sites, especially
for multi-projects.

I guess I've just pissed off the Maven development team by telling all of
you that Maven doesn't do a good job of creating web sites for
users.  There, I said it.  Maven creates so-so web sites for developers, but
doesn't do a good job creating web sites for end-users.  Maybe that was
never the goal.  Maybe I should just shut up and write the
maven-end-user-site plugin?  But, it's one reason why I didn't get too
exctied about contributing to the site last year.  I don't think another 100
APT documents are the right direction, I think you need to think long and
hard about the audience, and I think someone other than Hani Sulemani needs
to say "Maven sites suck"   :-)  The fact that one of the core committers
for Maven, had to send out an email entitled "Making the current web site
suck less", is not a good sell for generating sites with Maven.

> >
> >
> > On 3/8/06, John Casey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> +1
> >>
> >> Maybe we can put a banner at the top of each page that marks the
> version
> >> it refers to or something. If we styled the reference doco as a manual,
> >> it could be part of the page layout that ties it together. I'd be
> >> willing to trade a bit of the look&feel for that sort of information,
> as
> >> it seems to me that it would reduce confusion.
> >>
> >> -john
> >>
> >> Tim O'Brien wrote:
> >>> Having to choose between publishing the latest and greatest docs and
> >> only
> >>> the released version is a problem that Maven seems to have created for
> >>> itself.  Same issue comes up in other projects frequently - Commons
> has
> >> a
> >>> problem because some of the sites only publish on a release.  Latest
> and
> >>> greatest are almost never there.
> >>>
> >>> What about publishing the latest and greatest docs to another
> directory?
> >>> The Maven site gets pushed to a directory that has a version of a
> >>> label.  http://maven.apache.org/version/1.0
> >>> , http://maven.apache.org/version/2.0.2, and
> >>> http://maven.apache.org/version/trunk.  This way the Maven site can
> have
> >> a
> >>> nightly publish of the most current Maven site to Trunk every single
> >> day,
> >>> but still keep legacy docs around intact for people using older
> versions
> >> of
> >>> the product.  The "consumer" site can point to the latest release, and
> >> the
> >>> "developer" site can point to "trunk".  The Maven site plugin would
> need
> >>> some mechanism for adding a skin to a site to clearly identify it as
> >>> "Development".
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> On 3/7/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>> On 3/7/06, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>> * I'm still a little torn on where plugin docs go. No hurry on this,
> >> but
> >>>>> something to ponder. We definitely need to make the references for
> >> those
> >>>>> integrate better. Site/skin inheritance will help
> >>>> No matter where they go, I think they need to be updated more often.
> >>>> Random example... the assembly plugin docs are wrong, and have been
> >>>> that way for months. (it's descriptorId, not
> >>>> maven.assembly.descriptorId.)
> >>>> * http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-assembly-plugin/howto.html
> >>>>
> >>>> I would like to see the "latest and greatest" docs on the main site.
> >>>> Yes, they'll be ahead of the released version, but not by much, and
> >>>> (hopefully) not for long.When the answer to a lot of "X doesn't work"
> >>>> questions is "It's fixed in the trunk, use a snapshot," it would be
> >>>> nice to have the snapshot docs available in a centralized place.
> >>>>
> >>>> This also makes it more fun to contribute to the documentation,
> >>>> because you get to see your work "in print" right away.
> >>>>
> >>>> Thanks for updating the main site. :)
> >>>>
> >>>> --
> >>>> Wendy
> >>>>
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