Jason van Zyl wrote:

On 14 Dec 06, at 10:30 AM 14 Dec 06, Rafael Schloming wrote:

Just to clarify the building from source situation, the real requirement is that if we were in a concrete bunker somewhere with no connection to the outside world, and all we had was an installed fedora box + all the source rpms for fedora, we should be able to rebuild the entire OS.

Sure, but for Maven usage a JDK + a tarball of Maven in all practical instances is enough for someone to get work done.

I'm not sure what this has to do with my post. I'm just trying to explain fedora's bootstrapping requirements. Besides, even if a JDK + a tarball is enough to run maven itself, this doesn't really solve the problem maven users face when trying to distribute their software on fedora or any other OS for that matter. IMHO the key problem to solve is how to make maven builds produce software that is integrated with the target OS. Once we've done this then integrating maven with the target OS should be trivial since maven can build itself.

This issue is really broader than just maven. It seems the defacto java packaging standard is to simply distribute a huge archive that includes every dependency, quite reminiscent of windows DLL hell. This may well be the only option available for windows, but for OSes like fedora where things like automatic dependency management, upgrades, and security fixes are the norm, this practice just doesn't scale.


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