On Tue, 08 Jan 2008 14:25:06 dhoffer wrote:
> Regarding 1:  Well that's not normal maven operation.  You apparently have
> created a 'work-around' that works for you...I prefer to fix the bug so it
> works as it is specified.
> There are lots of reasons to deploy snapshots.  Normal maven behavior is
> that everything, in development, is always a snapshot.  You have to deploy
> these so they can be used by others;  now we do keep these on a separate
> repo, never mixed with releases.
Perhaps the implementor realised the spec wasn't right and failed to update 
the docs...

Anyway to snapshots, well the pom thats in the trunk of any artifact has a 
snapshot version but anything that i share with other developers has a 
release version. Each of our artifacts that in active development will get 
released at least once a day. The main reason being that i should not go 
messing with other developers environments unless I am confident that all the 
tests pass and the code works the same or better than before. 

I want a tool than gives me the power to define exactly what I am deploying 
and allow me to easily develop that and patch it if necessary. We are working 
with over 11 projects composed of 130 or so artifacts. It all works very well 
without snapshots being deployed. We do of course make use of snapshots in 
our local repositories though.

Once of my major beefs about snapshots being deployed is that you get to a 
point where you want to make Release and have to unroll and whole tangle of 
transitive snapshots. We make at least one Release everyday and really need a 
fully consistent ready to deploy tree of artifacts.

We mark the completion of a task as the release of the artifact... so if you 
have developers willy nilly deploying snapshots as a single developer i 
cannot easily mark the end of my work without rolling up other peoples as 
well. The simplest solution is to require by process that people release 
things regularly. And use metadata - or otherwise -to manage horribly broken 
artifacts, which very rarely happen with decent tests.

Consider one of my least favourite quotes "But it worked yesterday!"

For stable artifacts the rate of commits/checkin to releases is close to 1:1. 
For developing artifacts its much higher.

In any case My vote would be for maintaining the current behaviour and 
allowing an option to change it at runtime or on the command line. You run 
the risk of breaking builds otherwise.

Michael McCallum
Enterprise Engineer

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