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Version ranges with non-snapshot bounds can contain snapshot versions

I feel that the current behaviour is correct and can be managed sufficiently 
by profiles. Let me render some scenarios...

1) You wish a release build with no snapshots which is the normal behaviour 
and so you just build the trunk of your artifact and it works... optionally 
the enforcer plugin can ensure that you are not including snapshot 

2) You wish a dev build with all snapshots enabled so you enable a project 
configured in your settings.xml that exposes you snapshot repositories
Obivously we need to fix... first

3) You wish a dev build but with only a single snapshot... build the project 
you wish a snapshot of into your local repo... build as in #1

If we were to fix MNG-3092 then 2 would not be possible... as you would have 
to go and edit all your poms to enable snapshots... i have well over 100 
artifacts and many dependencies that exist in 40 or more projects... it seems 
to be that decent continuous integration would not be possible if you fix 

Can we start a vote for this issue here I guess the same rules as releases 
would apply. 72 hours only pmc votes are binding. etc etc 

Michael McCallum
Enterprise Engineer

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