Le mercredi 26 mars 2008, Benjamin Bentmann a écrit :
> > What about just unifying the expressions that refer to encoding in
> > plugins?
> As an intermediate solution until Maven 2.1 provides an extended POM, this
> seems like a good approach.
core plugins to be modified:
- compiler
- javadoc
- resources
- jxr
- pmd
do you see other ones?

TODO: same list for Mojo project plugins

> > javadoc-plugin has ${encoding}
> > compiler-plugin has ${maven.compiler.encoding}
> > resources-plugin has no expression defined.
> My suggestion: ${project.build.sourceEncoding} or similar, i.e. have the
> expression match the yet to introduce new POM element for the encoding.
> This way, plugins using the expression would be forward-compatible with the
> extended POM and automatically use the new POM element once introduced.
+1, both for the prefix project.build and for the attribute name 

just for the record, ${project.reporting.outputEncoding} for every report 
plugins could be useful, but that's another story: we'll start another thread 
on it later...

> We could also consider to add
>   <properties>
>     <project.build.sourceEncoding>ISO-8859-1</project.build.sourceEncoding>
>   </properties>
> to the super POM for everyone to inherit.
+1: non-ISO-88596-1 builds will break, but the fix is easy now that a there is 
a unified property, so I find it acceptable

> This in place, plugin parameters could be written like
>   /**
>    * @parameter expression="${encoding}"
>    *            default-value="${project.build.sourceEncoding}"
>    */
>   private String encoding;
> i.e. still provide some short expression name for overrides from the cli.
should we provide ${encoding} or ${sourceEncoding}?

> Of course, this would require the plugin to add a manual check whether the
> default-value expression actually was existent or whether an older Maven
> version is running.
I'm not convinced here: just let null=platform encoding, as it has been the 
case previously
or perhaps add a warning, throught a "checkSourceEncoding(String encoding)" 
method to AbstractMojo for use in every plugin?

> Benjamin
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