Lukas Theussl wrote:

> Hervé BOUTEMY wrote:
>> the rationale behind not going directly to 3.0 was that site plugin is
>> hard to test, particularly now that it is both compatible with Maven 2
>> and Maven 3, which is something really new and probably tested by only a
>> few of us
> I don't quite agree with this rationale. Ease of testing is not a
> criterion for version naming IMO. The main criterion is how many *known*
> bugs and missing features there are left. So what are the open issues
> that we are aware about? If there are none or only a few, then let's
> call it final. If the people who are working on the release feel that
> the stuff is stable (which I do) then why not release it as such?
>> sure, 3.0-beta-4 should at least be 3.0-RC-1, but perhaps not 3.0
>> immediately: I'm pretty sure we'll find some important problems when a
>> lot of people try it seriously
> The most efficient way to get people to test something, is to release it!
> :)
>> There are real important factors to test, which makes a lot of
>> combinations: - Maven version: 2.2.x, 3.x
>> - OS
>> - phases: site, site-deploy, site:stage-deploy (run? jar?)
> should all be covered by our ITs:
> I am aware that there are some important differences though, (some ITs
> are skipped with m3, or executed with different parameters), which would
> be important to review and document I guess.
>> - deploy protocol: scp, webdav
> not really a site-plugin concern, rather wagon
>> - report plugins used: I don't know how to describe without being a
>> mess...
> We (devs) cannot test everything, even the more important it is to get
> user feedback.
>> But at least, with maven-site-plugin 2.3 being out and almost equivalent
>> (particularly when it comes to Doxia and Doxia Site Tools), we have a
>> clear line to check if a problem with 3.0 is a regression from 2.3 or not
> so this would rather be an argument in favour of 3.0...?
>> Then I'd better be for 3.0-RC-1 for the moment.
> I will support whatever the release manager decides, but I would prefer
> 3.0-final with a number of bug fix releases following, rather than an
> open interval of [RC-1, RC-2,...). More people will test the final
> release and there will be more pressure on us to push for bug-fix
> versions (which is good! :) ).

>From user's perspective: +1
Especially since this is the first version that can be used by M3 and M2.

- Jörg

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