There are people who embed Maven, and they are likely to find it
congenial that they can make it talk to the logging framework of their
choice by dropping in slf4j-X as needed. For the ordinary
command-line, Jason and I and others think that we just pick a
backend, put the appropriate jar into M2_HOME/lib, and set up a
reasonable default configuration, suitable tweaked by -X.

Yes, we could do like CXF and have our own -- arguably, we already do,
with Plexus. (Mark's point, I think.) CXF has particular discontents
with slf4J related to I18N that Maven has never cared about.

My view is that SLF4J has become so ubiquitous that the number of
people who will find it congenial will overwhelm the number of people
who find it inconvenient or problematic.

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