
1. Mesos Worker [node/host/machine]
2. Mesos Worker [process]
3. No, master/worker seems to address the issue with less changes.
4. Begin using the new name ASAP, add a disambiguation to the docs, and change 
old references over time.  Fixing the "official" name, even before changes are 
in place, would be a good first step.


> On Jun 1, 2015, at 14:18, Adam Bordelon <a...@mesosphere.io> wrote:
> There has been much discussion about finding a less offensive name than 
> "Slave", and many of these thoughts have been captured in 
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MESOS-1478
> I would like to open up the discussion on this topic for one week, and if we 
> cannot arrive at a lazy consensus, I will draft a proposal from the 
> discussion and call for a VOTE.
> Here are the questions I would like us to answer:
> 1. What should we call the "Mesos Slave" node/host/machine?
> 2. What should we call the "mesos-slave" process (could be the same)?
> 3. Do we need to rename Mesos Master too?
> Another topic worth discussing is the deprecation process, but we don't 
> necessarily need to decide on that at the same time as deciding the new 
> name(s).
> 4. How will we phase in the new name and phase out the old name?
> Please voice your thoughts and opinions below.
> Thanks!
> -Adam-
> P.S. My personal thoughts:
> 1. Mesos Worker [Node]
> 2. Mesos Worker or Agent
> 3. No
> 4. Carefully

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