On 9/13/10 11:43 PM, Maarten Bosteels wrote:
I think we should also try to make the tests stable. Hudson builds on
windows seem to be failing more than they pass.
It took us a very long time to reach 2.0.0. That's why I wonder if we
shouldn't spend just a little more time to get these things right ?

I don't think that we have an issue on Hudson build on Windows. When we modify the code, the build always breaks the first time, as far as I can see. Then 30 minutes later, it passes. I have no idea why it behaves this way, but this is systematic, and not only for MINA, but also for Vysper, FtpServer and so on.

I'd like to understand why this is the case, but Hudson is barely available those days (it's currently down :/ )
Hmm, on the other hand, we could start applying the "release early, release
often" philosophy from now on ;-)
Well, I think we should release a 2.0.0, and then fix issues as fast as we can, releasing a 2.0.1 if needed. IMO, we have waited way too much for this 2.0.0
I am well aware of the fact that I have contributed near to nothing for far
too long, and I hope my comments are not offending anyone.
Don't worry, your concern is very valid. The question is how do we address it...

Emmanuel Lécharny

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