Le 4/17/12 12:30 PM, Ashish a écrit :

I have started getting into 3.0, now that I have some time. So will
make some noise to get back my rusted mind in shape.
Good ! I can ear your brain knuckles cracking :)

While browsing the code, I saw we have IoHandler and its usage in
AbstractIoService. I vaguely remember that we decided not to have the
IoHandler and last filter in the chain shall be the one that handles
application part (or our IoHandler).
The idea is to not have a dedicated filter at the beginning and at the end of the chain, yes. The Iohandler should be an interface implemented by the application. There is no mean to have one empty filter that does nothing but be the glue between the real filters and your application.

Second query is around the FilterChain processing. Are we keeping
in/out filter chain as separate, or would like to catch up with what
has been done so far :)
That's a bit more complicated. The problem with having one single chain for ins and outs is that you have to configure the chain to stick with both in and out processing. That may be complex. OTOH, if we have two chains, it may be more flexible, but a bit more complex for the users.

Our first approach here is first to get the minimal stack working for Socket, both client and server, with the correct processing of messages. We all know how the full thing works, so we can build MINA 3.0 with MINA 2.0 in mind, but avoiding the errors that have been made. That means, we don't have to throw everything out of the windows, but if we like to do so, so be it :)

One last thing, I'd like to have an incremental project, where an addition does not break what we already have added. I don't believe that a big bang approach is likely to work, I think that baby steps are way better. But if something that was added does not fit with a new idea you have, then let's churn the existing stack to fit your new ideas :)

Emmanuel Lécharny

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