Le 4/17/12 3:48 PM, Ashish a écrit :
Our first approach here is first to get the minimal stack working for
Socket, both client and server, with the correct processing of messages. We
all know how the full thing works, so we can build MINA 3.0 with MINA 2.0 in
mind, but avoiding the errors that have been made. That means, we don't have
to throw everything out of the windows, but if we like to do so, so be it :)

One last thing, I'd like to have an incremental project, where an addition
does not break what we already have added. I don't believe that a big bang
approach is likely to work, I think that baby steps are way better. But if
something that was added does not fit with a new idea you have, then let's
churn the existing stack to fit your new ideas :)
This makes sense. Don't intend to break anything or do something out
of the way. Just trying to figure out the baby steps to take.
We already have some samples working, so will try to play around and
figure out the next steps and ofcourse make some noises.

Don't get me wrong : I'm not writing this to tell you to be cautious. I know you are. I just summarized the discussions we had when we started 3.0 as you were MIA lately.

Emmanuel Lécharny

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