Hi Amano  

>Have we already discussed about software keyboard solution for MID? I
>need it for Moblin 2.x MID development now. As you know, Moblin 1.0
>has used the matchbox-keyboard, matchbox-keyboard-manager on
>If everyone knows, Can anyone tell me about software keyboard?

We have implemented a program named FVKBD (free virtual keyboard) for MID 2.1.
For fvkbd itself, it will be fully configurable with user defined XML file.

While in our design, By default, on MID, VKB will only work with Input Method 

You can learn more about VKB and IMF from our wiki page, 

At present, the VKB mentioned on this page is for matchbox-keyboard for Moblin 
2.0, but I am going to update it to fvkbd for Moblin 2.1 by the end of today.


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