Hi dev,

As we're discussing the roadmap for MXNet 2.0, I would like to start a thread 
about refining the InferStorageType and memory planning pass in MXNet and hope 
it can happen as a part of the 2.0 release.

Thanks to @eric-haibin-lin, part of the proposal has already been discussed in 
issue #13598 [1].

As mentioned in the description of issue #13598, there are several drawbacks of 
the existing flow. Please allow me to quote them here:
*        the selection of MKL/CPU/GPU/CUDNN implementation happens after graph 
attribute inference and memory planning, memory planning is thus not aware of 
the implementation that will be used for execution in the future, which may 
result in sub-optimal result. For example, the memory inplace option may vary 
depending on the accelerator backend (the new version of CUDNN enables x/dx 
inplace for _backward_conv).
*        some sparse operator need to access dtype/shape information to decide 
which implementation to invoke for execution, and whether to perform fallback. 
This information is not yet exposed in the existing infer storage type 

Besides, the existing memory planning pass calculates and afterwards allocates 
memory strictly according to the input/output tensor shapes (which can be got 
from operators' arithmetic formulas through InferShape). That's not true 
anymore when we come to accelerators like MKL-DNN on CPU which wants to pad 
input/output tensor to optimal formats (eg. nchw16c) according to hardware 
architecture. It also can be described as shape + stride. As many of you know, 
MKL-DNN shows great performance on these optimal formats which is blocked by 
the vector length of AVX512 or AVX2. It's very natural for us to pad on the 
channel dimension for those inputs/outputs which IC or OC is not multiples of 
vector length and leverage optimal kernels for blocked formats. Unfortunately 
this cannot be implemented without changing the logic in the memory planning 
pass. Currently we always fallback to slow reference kernels for both 
convolution [1] and deconvolution [2].

AFAIK, the padding feature of MKL-DNN has already been used in TensorFlow and 
other frameworks. We also found that, without supporting this feature, many 
other new features from MKL-DNN cannot be applied to MXNet,  such as the 
deconvolution primitive, winograd, etc.

Changes for this proposal can be divided into following parts:
1.      Following the proposal in issue #13598, we need add new 
InferStorageTypeEx functions to operators which need to do dispatch in a more 
fine-grained way. This also need the InfereStorage pass can handle the new -Ex 
function as what we did for FCompute and FComputeEx.
2.      Attach more information to the computation graph/node, eg. accelerator 
specific information. Currently we add `IsMKLDNN` directly during operator 
registration if MXNET_USE_MKLDNN == 1. It looks simple and rude to me.
3.      Do memory planning according to more information: topology, shapes, 
data types, in-place options and more accurate accelerator information 
(accelerator path, memory size requirements, accelerator-wise attributes).
4.      Improve MKL-DNN operators so they can work on those well planned memory 
which may be larger than the arithmetic requirements and work with optimal 
kernels. Also, with more accurate dispatching in InferStorageTypeEx, there is 
no need for us to write complicated fallback logic in MKL-DNN operators.
5.      If users feel uncomfortable with more memory usage, we can disable this 
feature by environmental variables.

Since the memory planning pass is implemented in NNVM, so we also need support 
from TVM community.

Please let me know what do you think. Thank you.


[1] https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet/issues/13598



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