Dear MXNet community,

This is the vote to release Apache MXNet (incubating) version 1.6.0. Voting 
starts today and will close on Monday 2/3/2020 23:59 PST.

Link to release notes:

Link to release candidate:

Link to source and signatures on apache dist server:

The differences comparing to previous release candidate 1.6.0.rc1:
 * Fixes for license issues (#17361, #17375, #17370, #17460)
 * Bugfix for saving LSTM layer parameter (#17288)
 * Bugfix for downloading the model from model zoo from multiple processes 
 * Fixed a in AMP for GluonNLP (#17408)

Please remember to TEST first before voting accordingly:
+1 = approve
+0 = no opinion
-1 = disapprove (provide reason)

Best regards,
Przemyslaw Tredak

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