
On 6 July 2017 at 11:40, Justin Mclean <jus...@classsoftware.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> >> Lot of discussion has been moved to mynewt.slack.com <
> http://mynewt.slack.com/>. Might be one of the
> >> reason of smaller activity on list.
> >
> > Yes that does seem to be the case. Do we have a way of archiving what's
> in slack or emailing it to the list?
> The reason I asking is that the board is likely to ask about this as well
> and may even suggest it. The like to see discussion being brought back to
> the dev list and being archived.

I think slack logs are available only on slack. Whenever you login there,
history is there on the channel (not sure if this full history or only
Anyway, this is almost same story as IRC, with the difference that on IRC
you have no history at all (unless you use your own bouncer)

> Thanks,
> Justin


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