Hi Cris,

Simon Ratner has made a number of improvements to newt which should
help with the native Windows support.

I have not had a chance to try those out (as I don’t have Windows setup),
so I don’t know what the exact state is. But they did seem pretty good.
I do recommend trying that out. And improving those, if necessary ;)

> On Jan 4, 2017, at 10:07 AM, Cris Frusina <c...@frusina.com> wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> Wondering if this is a Windows issue with docker. Those are good additions, 
> looking forward to the implementation! 
> Hopefully David has some free time and can give it a try on his end yo see if 
> he gets the same performance issues. 
> I'm going to try setting everything up on another Windows machine as a sanity 
> check.
> Btw, thanks to everyone for actively helping out.
> Cheers,
> Cris
>> On Jan 4, 2017, at 11:45 AM, Christopher Collins <ccoll...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Hi Cris,
>>> On Wed, Jan 04, 2017 at 09:32:37AM -0500, Cris Frusina wrote:
>>> I'm building my code on top of the bleprph app. I haven't done too
>>> much to it as I'm still just playing around with myNewt. I've added
>>> the nffs dependency and some custom code, most of it is still the
>>> same.
>>> It depends on the changes I make to the code, if I only change the
>>> main.c file the compile, build and sign would be about 2 to 3 min for
>>> any small change. This can go up to 5-7 min if the change requires to
>>> recompile some other dependencies. A full compile and build is about
>>> 20 to 30 min.
>> Whoa, that's insane!  A build definitely should not take that long.  The
>> docker solution on non-Linux machines will be slower than native, but
>> not that much slower!  It has been a while since I have used docker, so
>> I don't recall the exact build times, but I wouldn't expect a full
>> rebuild of bleprph to take longer than five minutes.  If you're only
>> changing one file, the build time definitely should not exceed 10
>> seconds.
>> There are two planned speed improvements for newt.  I don't think these
>> will fix the problem you're experiencing, but I wanted to mention them:
>> 1. Multithreaded builds.  This is analogous to make's "-j" option.  This
>> is an obvious improvement that should greatly reduce build times,
>> particularly for full rebuilds.
>> 2. Smarter YAML parsing.  Newt has to do a lot of inefficient YAML file
>> processing to determine which files need to be rebuilt and how to build
>> them.  This is especially noticeable in builds with a lot of syscfg
>> settings (particularly bluetooth).  I can think of a change that should
>> give a pretty good speed improvement to this process.  This should help
>> most in cases where only one or a few files need to be rebuilt.
>> Chris

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