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> On Feb 17, 2017, at 6:15 PM, Jacob Rosenthal <> wrote:
> OK no wait I think Im understanding.. It IS using the nrf52 driver and not
> duplicating..

That's correct. 
> Because of the driver style abstraction my_adc is an 'nrf52 water level
> driver(sensor?)' (maybe a name change?)

It is generic enough that this doesn't matter. It just takes a raw ADC value, 
then converts it to a millivolt value based on the reference voltage. Should 
work for any adc sensor. 
> I guess I have issue with exposing a bunch of board specific stuff into to
> the main.c. Though maybe this is a tutorial and we shouldnt burden a reader
> with perfect abstraction..

It specifically doesn't expose board-specific stuff in the main. All the 
board-specific stuff is in the mynewt_nordic package, and that can be updated 
and maintained separately from this. I wrote an intermediate driver that uses 
the hal and bsp but contains none of the (licensed) Nordic code. 
> But wed would need a separate nrf51 water level 'driver' package, but then
> wed be changing all that main.c code, hence why Im confused why all that
> nordic code doesnt live inside the nice my_adc package you created.

No, the main code simply calls the init() method to open and initialize the 
adc, and then calls the drivers read_adc() method to get a value. If all the 
Nordic code lived in the my_adc package, it would be much harder to maintain 
should changes happen in the Nordic code. 
> Then Ideally these water level packages would expose a general init and
> callback for water level event received so you could keep that nrf code out
> of the main and switch between them?

That's exactly how it works now. 
> Can anyone comment how the 'sensors' api would play into something like
> this?
> On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 3:36 PM, Jacob Rosenthal <>
> wrote:
>> David, some questions about your recent adc tutorial.
>> First off, thanks for pushing code for me to think about and learn about
>> the newt stack from
>> It seems like your tutorial is more about writing a NEW adc driver rather
>> than utilizing the existing mynewt-nordic driver. For me anyway, a tutorial
>> duplicating the mynewt-nordic work pushing all the adc handlers pretty high
>> level into the main.c instead of keeping it inside the driver like the
>> mynewt-nordic version was very confusing to me.
>> In fact Im not sure why you're including - 
>> "@mynewt-nordic/hw/drivers/adc/adc_nrf52"
>> at all, except for presumably utilizing the sdk it has inside it, and that
>> wasnt clear to me at all in the tutorial. Perhaps you could drop that
>> dependency and talk about brining in copies of necessary SDK files?
>> Im not 100% on all this, still trying to get an nrf51 version utilizing
>> the mynewt-nordic driver up.
>> Apologies if Im off base.
>> --Jacob
>> On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 6:52 AM, David G. Simmons <>
>> wrote:
>>> To answer my own question, yes, I am correct in assuming that! I just had
>>> to keep moving the wire from pin to pin until I found the one that ADC0
>>> referenced, but the same driver for the ADC that worked on the NRF52DK
>>> board works just fine on the Arduino Primo. I'll be writing up a blog post
>>> about that shortly.
>>> dg
>>> On Feb 10, 2017, at 9:25 AM, David G. Simmons <> wrote:
>>> Am I correct in assuming that the requisite libraries for the ADC on the
>>> Arduino Primo are not included yet? Since the Arduino Primo is based on the
>>> NRF52, would it be possible to simply modify the NRF52 ADC files to apply
>>> them to the Arduino Primo? If so, does anyone have a valid schematic for
>>> the Arduino Primo in order to determine the pin mappings?
>>> I'd like to get the ADC App I wrote and the air_quality app running on
>>> the same board at the same time in order to have a board that reads
>>> multiple sensors simultaneously.
>>> --
>>> David G. Simmons
>>> (919) 534-5099
>>> Web <> • Blog <> •
>>> Linkedin <> • Twitter
>>> <> • GitHub <>
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