Hi Jonathon,

>A north_american_regional_group would, by default, have to include, at
>a minimum, Spanish, and French.  [French being an official language of
>Canada.  Spanish being an official language in two states and the
>dominant language in five states of the united states.

Not really.  You can have a user group/ marketing group with people who
speak different languages included; or many such groups.  I think what
counts here is local effectiveness, and I don't think that to be
effective everyone in a regional group must speak the same language. 

But let me also rephrase the issue.

If there is frustration now with process then let's address it directly.
Don't create a NLC project out of frustration. Do bring the frustration
to the Community Council or to NLC leadership.  (I think the CC is more
pertinent here, but Charles and I differ; both are options.)

>[OOo 1.1.4 does not support Spanish (US) as a Locale.  That should be
>fixed for 2.0.]

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