Am Donnerstag, den 16.05.2019, 17:42 +0100 schrieb Neil C Smith:
> On Thu, 16 May 2019 at 17:10, Matthias Bläsing
> <> wrote:
> > While the question whether GPLv2-CPE could be considered
> > Category-B is still not resolved [1] between Oracle and the ASF,
> To be pedantic, I fail to see how Oracle is relevant to how ASF
> decides to resolve this issue, but it's one that's going to hit us
> more and more.

Oracle has the lawyers, that could propably resolve most questions,
that were raised by ASF legal. Even better, Oracle would be in the
position to change the wording of the license if necessary and they are
the only ones, that could do it. Oracle is the copyright holder of the
whole JDK and associated libraries as contributions to the JDK require
an OCA.

I'm not a lawyer, so adding my opinion to the issue referenced won't
help. For the ecosystem Oracle and the ASF working together would be



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