On Thu, 16 May 2019 at 20:18, Matthias Bläsing
<mblaes...@doppel-helix.eu> wrote:
> The points raised in the referenced issue target the CPE. And the CPE
> is started with "Certain source files distributed by Oracle America
> and/or its affiliates[...]". So yes, this is Oracle specific and Oracle
> lawyers could give their opinion/interpretation in the issue and help
> resolving it.

It is the following two paragraphs that are relevant, and they are
adopted (verbatim as far as I can tell) from the Classpath Exception,
as in https://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/license.html  This
exception has a lot of other uses, particularly in the Java ecosystem
- using it myself for a few things.

> If the ASF can do it alone, I'm all for it, but the issue stands
> unresolved.

Well, I found an interesting comparison point recently -

> So Oracle and the ASF both had to be
> aware, that bundling the only freely distributable JDK (OpenJDK) will
> be a major PITA.

Because of ASF policies though.  The point of the CPE is to allow this
sort of bundling.

Best wishes,


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