On Tue, 29 Aug 2023 at 14:59, Scott Palmer <swpal...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  But when I worked on Windows it happened all the time.  It was a weekly
> annoyance.
I know how frustrating this must be. I use NetBeans on Windows
(currently NB 18 and Windows 11) and I do not see this issue. In the
linked bug, there is some code which uses Robot to automate copy/paste
to notepad, which was said to be a reliable reproducer. But I still
couldn't get it to go wrong, even running it multiple times.
The only thing I can say (and I'm sure it's been mentioned before,
don't hate me) is that I have previously seen clipboard issues when
VirtualBox was running. So I suppose the question is - are those
people experiencing it absolutely sure they're not running something
else that might be interfering with the clipboard?

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