On Thu, 30 Nov 2017 09:29:31 +0100
Jan Lahoda <lah...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is a little bit surprising to me. AFAIK in JDK 8 it worked like
> this: for:
> $ javac -processorpath <jars> <sources>

Interesting, maybe that is the solution. Presently just using classpath
and passing sources. I am setting the --source-path now. 

I had to have that for it to find resources for the static annotation
processor as I mentioned in another post. I did not think about it
finding processors. But I guess I need to set the entire classpath to
the source path or something.  I am pretty sure I tried removing the
-processor and it didn't find them.

I some what have current proof. As I just packaged the
org.netbeans.html stuff, or some. net-java-html packages. One of them
had a Model Annnotation  processor. It did not find it on the
classpath. It was already compiled, but I needed it for templatesui.

> roughly, javac looked into the jars, searched for
> META-INF/services/javax.annotation.processing.Processor files, and
> used processors registered by these files. I.e. processors in jars
> were used in sources.

Hmm, maybe some are missing that. But I tested that out when I added
those files and resolved another issue with the unknown protocol nbres.
Along with that file there was one for the annotation process. The
net-java-html-json Model processor jar has that but it was not detected.

# unzip -l /usr/share/net-java-html-json/lib/net-java-html-json.jar |
grep javax

# unzip
-l /usr/share/netbeans-core-startup-9/lib/netbeans-core-startup.jar |
grep java
META-INF/namedservices/URLStreamHandler/nbres/jav .net.URLStreamHandler

The URLStreamHandler stuff resolved my nbres issue. It did not see to
help with any annotation. I still had to pass them. Which I do not
mind. That seems to work well.

> Then this:
> $ javac -classpath <jars> <sources>
> Is mostly a shorthand for:
> $ javac -classpath <jars> -processorpath <jars> <sources>

Interesting, but seems redundant to be including things on the
classpath for compile, and then maybe the same again for annotations.
For ones that are just dependencies for annotation processors that
might make sense. Just seems like lots of bloat and duplication.

> In JDK 9, there is a new option, "--processor-module-path", which
> works over JDK/Jigsaw modules (and disables the autosearch from
> classpath/processorpath), but unless it is used, I don't offhand
> recall a change that would disable the old classpath/processorpath
> approach.

I may need to repeat my tests, but I did come across what your talking
about. That annotation processors should be found etc. Thus far it does
not seem to be the case. I can test again tomorrow with source path.
Though I was not adding classpath jars, so maybe that was my mistake.

That would simplify things a bit. But for the most part I have the
processors thing down now.

> So if there is a particular commandline that did the
> autosearch on 8 and does not on 9, then there may be a javac bug.

Not sure if its a bug or not. I was wondering about the
processor-module-path. The whole annotation processing in this manner
is new to me. I am used to asm doing it but not within Java. I missed
that feature of 1.8 or when ever it was added :P Obviously :)

William L. Thomson Jr.

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