On Mon, 27 Nov 2017 13:24:11 -0500
"William L. Thomson Jr." <wlt...@o-sinc.com> wrote:
> I am getting lots of these errors
> java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find resource for bundle
> org.openide.util.NbBundle$PBundle, key MSG_start_load_boot_modules
> Regarding that specific variable. I see it in this file.
> https://github.com/apache/incubator-netbeans/blob/master/core.startup/src/org/netbeans/core/startup/NbEvents.java#L73
> Looks like unprocessed annotations. I am assuming I need to process
> it. Netbeans 8.2 has it in a Bundle.properties. Which seems I need as
> well. The NbBundleProcessor does not seem to be picking this stuff
> up. Likely some other processor I am missing and need to use.

Still working on this. Resolution is my present goal and task. I have
built core.startup via ant with verbose compiler output. Next may do
verbose ant as well but ant was making tremendous noise.

I see it generating the missing stuff in Bundle.properties. I cannot
yet explain what I am doing wrong or what it is doing differently.

I am seeing the exact same annotation processor output. Though it seems
ant has 3 rounds. 1st process annotations, 2nd not sure, 3rd compile,
no annotations. Without hacking into and interrupting that 3 round
compile process. I am trying to replicate doing annotation processing
first -proc:only. Then going back and doing compile no annotation
processing, -proc:none.

Without copying the Bundle.java that was generated. It failed to build
because it cannot find things that come from annotation messages.

src/org/netbeans/core/startup/NbEvents.java:50: error: cannot find
symbol import static org.netbeans.core.startup.Bundle.*;
  symbol:   class Bundle
  location: package org.netbeans.core.startup
src/org/netbeans/core/startup/NbEvents.java:116: error: cannot find
symbol MSG_start_load_boot_modules());

That was the same issues I face early on missing Bundle.class. Till I
used NbBundleProcessor. Which is definitely doing its thing. However
that exact error, MSG_start_load_boot_modules. its key/value is never
written to Bundle.properties.

Again current exception is

java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find resource for bundle
org.openide.util.NbBundle$PBundle, key MSG_start_load_boot_modules

So you can see it literally is the same stuff. Why that key and value
is not written to Bundle.properties. I have yet to figure out.

William L. Thomson Jr.

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