On Mon, 27 Nov 2017 19:55:29 +0100
Antonio <anto...@vieiro.net> wrote:

> El 27/11/17 a las 19:24, William L. Thomson Jr. escribió:
> > The other thread is a bit big. Going to start new ones on individual
> > remaining issues. Seems people run into these with the build system
> > and projects using the platform. It would be good for all I think.  
> Hi William,
> My email compiler breaks with multiple Gentoo threads.
> I would appreciate you concentrating them in a single thread.

Ok sure I can keep on the original. It was just getting big and did not
want to bury issues. Some seem more general when searching for
resolutions I have come across many facing the same issues/exceptions.

Thus I was thinking to break out some issues with better
subjects/titles. So search engines could index the stuff better and
bring people to resolutions ideally :)

Moot to me either way. 1 massive thread or many small either way :)

William L. Thomson Jr.

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