On Mon, 19 Mar 2018 at 00:52 Victor Williams Stafusa da Silva <
victorwssi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> But since people are/were talking about electron
> (or other replacements for Swing/AWT/JavaFX), let's give a look at this and
> not commit the same mistakes:
> https://josephg.com/blog/electron-is-flash-for-the-desktop/

That Electron apps can be resource hogs I don't think is in dispute
(although everyone seems to use Slack as the example - maybe it's just
them! ;-) )

However, I think we're playing with the assumption, which might prove to be
incorrect, that it is the backend part of these (and the interesting
blocking behaviour) that's most of the problem.  So doing all the
application logic still on the JVM mitigates that.  If it's actually the
embedded Chromium that's the problem ...

On Mon, 19 Mar 2018 at 07:05 Toni Epple <toni.ep...@eppleton.de> wrote:

> I have no plans to embed electron as it would be overkill. A HelloWorld is
> 115 mb and contains nodejs and desktop APIs we don’t need.

How big is a native packaged JavaFX Hello World then? ;-)

I agree with you about nodejs, but some of those desktop APIs are useful.
Assuming a fully HTML UI application, surely we'd need those from
somewhere?  I guess my thinking is more launcher, Chromium content, desktop
API's and minimal profile headless JVM.

On Sun, 18 Mar 2018 at 20:16 Kirk Pepperdine <k...@kodewerk.com> wrote:

> A large part of the problem is the translation of the data set to HTML as
> sometimes it’s difficult to know what is immediately needed.

This is the bit I don't understand.  Why would you want to do that?  In
every Swing component I can think of you wouldn't render an entire large
data set in the view in one go or it would grind to a halt - you'd render a
subset/summary/coalesced view of the model surely?  The point of this
approach, at least as I understand it, is to still do all the data set
interaction, filtering and calculation on the JVM.

Best wishes,

Neil C Smith
Artist & Technologist

Praxis LIVE - hybrid visual IDE for creative coding - www.praxislive.org

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