Having separate caches per user is kind of a requirement from an account management/security perspective. You simply cannot share these directories on public systems.

Fragmentation and such are less and less of an issue with modern file-systems and definitely with SSDs.

Cache corruption, on the other hand, is a valid issue although I've rarely run into problems myself. When it happens, though, it's very frustrating. I do wish that someone would clean up dead files though. Are we sure this isn't actually happening?


On 2018-03-20 2:01 PM, Victor Williams Stafusa da Silva wrote:
A long-time personal complaint I had against Netbeans was about its caches
and configurations. In modern Windows, it is located on
C:\User\<your-user>\AppData\Local\NetBeans and
C:\User\<your-user>\AppData\Roaming\NetBeans folder. For Linux or McOS, it
is something similar. It is sometimes a pain in the ass for me due to
several reasons:

1. The cache is overbloated. It gets only larger and larger over
days/months/years of usage. After some months or years of intense NetBeans
usage, if nothing/nobody intervenes, it will easily reach some gigabytes
full of mostly useless old data.

2. They lies hidden deeply in the filesystem far from the eyes of mere
mortals (in a hidden folder!). So, few median NetBeans users even know
about its existence or have any idea about how to interact with that.

3. If that gets corrupted for some strange reason, there is no way to clear
it inside the IDE AFAIK. I must go to the deep guts of the filesystem and
delete it. Otherwise, with a corrupted cache, Netbeans gets confused (rare
for me today, but was common for me in the NetBeans 6.x and 7.x days).

4. It lies in user-specific space. So, if my computer is used by several
different users, they'll likely get duplicate caches (even for the same
projects located in the same HD physical locations), duplicate plugins,
duplicate maven repositories, etc. This means a lot of wasted disk space
with duplicate stuff.

5. The cache will easily accumulate hundreds of thousands of small files or
perhaps even a few millions over the years. Those will tend to be very
scattered at the disk, which might lead to poor disk performance when you
make a backup by simply copy+pasting the Users folders to some other drive
or when you just delete those damn Netbeans folders. Also, I strongly
suspect that this contributes to disk fragmentation and they waste a lot of
space by leaving a lot of disk blocks consumed but mostly empty.

So, I'll question if there is a easy way to purge the cache from the inside
of the IDE that I'd overlloked so far for whichever reason? If not, would
it be a good idea to add that? Also, is there a way to rate-limit it to
avoid it consuming too much disk space?

I am very far from knowning the gory details of NetBeans internal stuff, so
I am afraid that I am just talking bullshit here and this is a big
misunderstanding, sorry if this is the case. However, even if this is the
case, I would likely to know nonetheless.

It is not just me that hit this issue. Google for "netbeans cache" and most
of the results will be from people asking about how to clear the cache
because NetBeans got confused or something like that. There is even an old
plugin called "Cache Eraser".

Victor Williams Stafusa da Silva

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