This came up on PR-572

As of JDK 11 there are changes in the JDK that make supporting and
building under older JDKs like Java 8 increasingly difficult. I am of
the opinion and mindset that at some point, The latest/current Netbeans
may only be able to build using the latest, current, or upcoming JDK.

That way Netbeans can build on a new JDK soon as it is released, rather
than afterward and playing catch up. It also means that it will not be
able to be built on older JDKs or run under them.

It seems at some point older JDKs will have to be dropped from the
supported JDKs to build and run Netbeans. It should not effect being
able to develop Java 8 applications within Netbeans, though it might.
It will be a lot of work to support both older and current/newer.

I am also of the mindset if someone needs to build or run Netbeans
under Java 8. Well there is Netbeans 8.x which can build, run, etc
under Java 8. Not sure why the newer release need be held back by older
JDKs. Or made such that it can support all. That creates a more work,
and maybe problems.

It is clear Java will be moving forward faster. I think part of
that adoption starts with the IDE. The longer Java 8 is supported, the
longer people will keep using it, and not move forward. Python 2.7
comes to mind in that event. I rather not see Java 8 become the Python
2.7, lasting way longer than ever intended. IDE requires a new JDK is
means of forcing others to move forward faster.

Anyway mostly for others to discuss. I have voiced my viewpoint on PR
and here. So enough from me on this topic :)

William L. Thomson Jr.

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